Tuesday, March 31, 2009

First of all, welcome a new member, and then...Oh no!

APRIL FOOLS! The joke is on Dan's face :) The mustache was enjoyed on this ONE DAY, and ONE DAY only, Dan!!! Alas, no cat was stuck in the wall, it was just a way to get a good picture with Dan's 'stache. Interestingly enough, all cats received votes. So, basically, all of our cats are ill behaved.

First of all, welcome Elaine! The newest member of the wickerparkhouse gang! Please enjoy the ridiculous antics of Dan and Jenn.

Now, a big update: We drywalled a cat into the basement!!! Oh No!!!! Dan tried his best to lure out the poor kitty with food, toys, and his silly face. Which cat do you think ended up in this perilous situation? Ninja-like Ben, Slinky-like Diego, Old Blue Eyes Torpedo, or Miss Noah? Vote with your comments!!!


  1. I am laughing too hard at Dan's mustache to vote!

  2. Is the mustache real? If not, I would take the mustache off and lure DIEGO out of the wall with it.

  3. what happened to the beard? are you wearing a paintbrush over your lip? has to be Diego! Torpedo is too lazy, Noah is too shy, and Ben, well, he just wants to be petted! really, a paintbrush?
