Friday, February 27, 2009

Basement: Tides are turning

Rains that drenched Chicago on Thursday could have been 20 inches of snow

Chicago was hit with a major thunderstorm last night, and so was our basement.,0,1112107.story

We sustained a good amount of water in three major areas of the basement. It's apparent our sump pump was not working well, if at all, and that the front door to our basement has a drain that's either completely blocked, or non-existent. I found this out a little after 5pm on Thursday, when there was a 'sploosh' sound as my sneaker met water. It was about a eighth of an inch deep. After wrestling with a pipe gushing water from the sump pump (think like when you see a firefighter trying to control the firehose, okay, not that scary); I was in a two foot crawl space, wrestling a wild hose, gushing water). Dan and Ken then saved the day. Ken went out in the pouring rain and fixed a drain pipe that had been smashed, extended our drain pipes, and then worked into the late hours installing a new, shiny sump pump, and a wonderful, sturdy pipe from the pump to the outtake. Dan heroically baled gallons upon gallons of water from our office. We have a new addition to the household that I am in LOVE with, a super charged shop vac.

This morning, the sump pump continued to slurp up water, and the basement remains dry. Dan dug for over two hours, looking for a drain in front of the basement door. We are paralyzed today: Do we continue with this project? What if we have another downpour? Dan and I are at a loss right now, but tonight we will reconvene, and get back on the horse. When my heart isn't hurting so much, I'll post a few 'flood' pictures.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Basement: weekend summary

On Friday, Ken came in and he and Dan hung almost the entire office. Jenn stayed out of their way, cleaning out the old place. Saturday, Ken and Dan moved into the laundry room.

Jenn stayed out of the way be doing the scary de-stapling project mentioned in the previous post!

My hands are hamburger meat, I am now applying a ton of

Jack Black Hand Healer. A miracle product.

Sunday Connor and Doug came to the rescue.

There were several surprises on Sunday: A drafty exterior wall and smaller sized dry wall! They ended up ripping it out, foaming up the drafty wall, and installing 5/8 drywall.

Our to do list for this week will be:
-Laundry room as close to finished as possible
-Hang as much drywall as possible

We have decided our plan is to do the entire basement, then move in. Originally, we were going to have Dan install his office, but he is now using the master bedroom as his office. It's kind of like Jenga right now.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Basement weekend

I think the correct name is a 'sawzall' and it was a lifesaver this weekend as Dan, Doug and Ken wrestled dry wall.

This pile got smaller and smaller as the hours went by.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Pretty in Pink

Last night we insulated the office with thin pink Styrofoam. No, we didn't plan to have such a pink theme.

I have never used a 'sawzaw' (is that how you spell it?) before. Exciting! Just trimming some extra 'woods' that were sticking out.

Another interesting drawing on the studs that came with the house.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Project: Basement- The Boom

Dan had a really trying morning with the drywall delivery...he can tell the long story.
Here's 'the Boom'

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Project: Basement

Come on down the stairs to our basement and join us for our next project: dryalling the basement.

These stairs were covered with carpet and at some point we will have the onerous task of removing each of these carpet staples. But, getting to the real project. The basement consists of many rooms that will someday be our office, wine storage, laundry room, Dan workshop, storage and small front area for bikes. Going down the stairs to the right, you enter what will be the office. Yes, those walls were really bright pink. Nope, no matter how much Dan begs, the color is not staying.

If you veer left, and then make a right, you end up in the laundry room. Here you can see the sink, and see straight through the walls.

This last space is where we will store the bikes. It has a door that goes right out the front, easy access.

Also, these funny smileys were on the walls, so here they are documented for posterity before we paint them over.

Other stuff that was going on this weekend

Living room before move in. So nice and airy.

Living room after. We have no idea what we will do with the couch.

Jenn keeping busy while Dan unpacks the boxes. This is the master bath, which you will note does not have a tub filler on it. So, in case you couldn't tell, I was really taking a bath...

Next up: Basement before photos, in prep for some 'in progress basement pictures' after this weekend!

Appliance Installation

Dan had a lot of work cut out for him, installing a new dishwasher, fridge and stove. The kitchen space is what we've always wanted: large, open, and centrally located. The purple counter top, and basically no existing cabinet space is not what we want! But, all in due time...

Fridge first. Dan had an item that needed urgent cooling:

Next, the stove and dishwasher. This is our happy, jazzy new stove:

Here is the final installation picture- Way to go, Dan! Only, what, 5 trips to the Home Depot (tried Menards, but they are not open late, so it's gotta be the HD) Stoves do not sleep at night when they want to be installed!)

Our First Official Pictures: 1420 N Bell

Here are Dan and Jenn's first 'official' entry into the house! Of course, with plenty o' tools

Welcome In!

Bells are ringing...

A last look at 1621 N Bell

Do you see that little green truck? That is where our old house is, and this picture is taken from the front of our new house! Really, it was that short of a move!