Jenn stayed out of the way be doing the scary de-stapling project mentioned in the previous post!
My hands are hamburger meat, I am now applying a ton of

Jack Black Hand Healer. A miracle product.
Sunday Connor and Doug came to the rescue.
There were several surprises on Sunday: A drafty exterior wall and smaller sized dry wall! They ended up ripping it out, foaming up the drafty wall, and installing 5/8 drywall.
Our to do list for this week will be:
-Laundry room as close to finished as possible
-Hang as much drywall as possible
We have decided our plan is to do the entire basement, then move in. Originally, we were going to have Dan install his office, but he is now using the master bedroom as his office. It's kind of like Jenga right now.

Loving these pics! What is going on with the basement flooding?